Archive for the ‘Amelia’ Category

Is She A Toddler Yet?

I have always wondered about the term toddler. When exactly does a baby become a toddler? Is it when they turn a year old? Is it when they begin walking on their own? I honestly had no idea. Luckily, Amelia has helped me solve this mystery.

A baby officially becomes a toddler when he/she:

  1. Waits until you are in the bathroom to feed the air conditioning vent all their Cheerios.

  2. Uses Fisher-Price tea cups to transfer sand from the sand box into the living room.

  3. Streaks like a crazed soccer fan the moment their diaper comes off.

  4. Defiantly smiles at you as they pour milk into your purse.

Yup, Amelia is definitely a toddler. So, how is your week going?



I went to the beach for the first time ever. Uncle Mike, TiTi Lyana and Dad
brought me to the Beach on Sunday. It was awesome. Some kids get scared when
they see the ocean. Not me. I tore off my fancy hat and tried to dive straight
in. For some reason Dad doesn’t think I can swim by myself. Dad only let me go
into up to my belly. He is such a wimp. My two hairy cousins Freddy and Randy
were allowed to swim.

I had a great time. I got to play in the wet and and dry sand. The wet sand felt
like oatmeal. The dry sand had so many treasures in it. I found one sea shell
that look delicious but it wasn’t. I won’t be eating from sand again. I saw some
kids playing and I yelled at them. I guess they didn’t hear me. I have to work on
my yelling my sources. I think I will practice at 2 a.m.




Amelia blogging

Amelia blogging

Hello everybody,

My mom and dad have been trying to get this blog up and running since
before I was born but as you can see, they have not been very
successful. I can’t say I blame them – I do tend to keep them VERY BUSY

Anyway, I figured I would help them out and begin to update it myself.
After all, my schedule is pretty clear and I LOVE getting my hands on
Daddy’s computer!

So where to start? So many things have happened in the last 10 months: I
was born, I rolled over, I learned how to smile, giggle, and throw
things (especially temper tantrums), I learned how to crawl, I pet
doggies, I tasted both grass and mulch (yummy!), and I went to Lowes.

Since coming into the world some of my favorite things include monkeys,
ceiling fans, fruits and reggaeton.

My family and I will be posting updates from time to time with pictures
and news so stay tuned!

Amelia James