Is She A Toddler Yet?
Posted in Amelia, Mom on 08/25/2009 07:59 am by MomI have always wondered about the term toddler. When exactly does a baby become a toddler? Is it when they turn a year old? Is it when they begin walking on their own? I honestly had no idea. Luckily, Amelia has helped me solve this mystery.
A baby officially becomes a toddler when he/she:
Waits until you are in the bathroom to feed the air conditioning vent all their Cheerios.
Uses Fisher-Price tea cups to transfer sand from the sand box into the living room.
Streaks like a crazed soccer fan the moment their diaper comes off.
Defiantly smiles at you as they pour milk into your purse.
Yup, Amelia is definitely a toddler. So, how is your week going?
08/26/2009 at 8:40 pm
haha, those are great….especially number 4!
09/03/2009 at 12:32 pm
Wait till she turns 2, then you will really enjoy!!!
Have fun running after her…..